Wearing Words: Empowering Confidence Through Poetry-Infused Apparel


In a world where reality seems to have faded into screens, and the fresh pages of books now light up the night, I found myself yearning for something more. Over the past few years, as the world transformed into something unrecognizable, the act of writing became my refuge. Speaking aloud couldn't soothe the aching confusion of our ever-changing reality. Desperate to recapture the essence of who I once was, the pen and paper reunited with my mind and soul, connecting me to a better version of myself from years past. I've been a writer since before I can remember, crafting words that did more for me than I ever realized. These words are beautiful beings, floating within the ether of moments and memories. It's from this ethereal space that WearingWords was born.

Section 1: The Power of Words as a Source of Empowerment

I found myself donning clothing that didn't quite feel like an extension of me, garments that concealed rather than celebrated what I wanted to share with the world. Often, I wore someone else's message or art without fully comprehending its meaning. That was until I discovered the transformative power of wearing the words I wrote.

Founder S.W. wearing the Read More Poetry Sweatshirt

Section 2: Transformative Apparel for Self-Expression

Whether it was for myself, a moment of introspection, or to gift a friend, lover, or family member, these words became a source of solace, a way to overcome or forget, and a means to summon strength and channel a power I never wanted to lose again. The might of words lies in the strength we give them, and once I began wearing clothes adorned with words of beauty, strength, and love, I knew I couldn't be the only one yearning for such empowerment.

Section 3: The Birth of WearingWords

WearingWords was born out of the belief that words are infinite and words are love. Self-expression stands as the purest form of human communication, something we, as humans, must wholeheartedly share.

Section 4: The Beauty and Impact of Poetry

Poetry, especially, holds a special place in our hearts. Its inherent beauty and emotional impact serve as a guiding light during our darkest days and brightest nights. As Ethan Hawke once remarked about poetry in the context of human creativity:

"Well, most people don't spend a lot of time thinking about poetry, right? They have a life to live, and they're not that concerned with Allen Ginsberg's poems or anyone's poems—until their father dies, they attend a funeral, they lose a child, or someone breaks their heart. And all of a sudden, they're desperate for making sense out of this life." - Ethan Hawke, TED

Section 5: The Healing Power of Poetry-Infused Apparel

Poetry can help us make sense of life's myriad complexities, if we let it. Words evolve into poetry, transcending the human experience in ways we could never have imagined. I hope that WearingWords can offer you the same solace and empowerment it has afforded me. Wear the words that empower you, and let poetry be that guiding light when the world is at its darkest.


WearingWords is more than just a brand; it's a celebration of self-expression, a fusion of poetry and fashion that empowers and uplifts. It's a reminder that words are not just symbols on a page but vessels of emotion and power. Explore our collections and let WearingWords become a part of your journey toward self-discovery and empowerment. night, I found myself yearning for something more. Over the past few years, as the world transformed into something unrecognizable, the act of writing became my refuge. Speaking aloud couldn't soothe the aching confusion of our ever-changing reality. Desperate to recapture the essence of who I once was, the pen and paper reunited with my mind and soul, connecting me to a better version of myself from years past. I've been a writer since before I can remember, crafting words that did more for me than I ever realized. These words are beautiful beings, floating within the ether of moments and memories. It's from this ethereal space that WearingWords was born. For more poetic inspiration, explore renowned poetry collections on websites like Poets.org and Poetry Foundation.

Founder S.W. wearing the Read More Poetry bucket hat